Welcome to my homepage! My name is Adrian Posor. On this website you find my open source programs as well as other cool stuff. I believe that we can achieve more if we share our knowledge with other people. I hope that the programs and the information I provide here are useful to you. Feel free to share and to modify my programs according to your needs. It is always nice to have feedback, so please do not hesitate to contact me!

ANNOUNCEMENT: A new version of SolarFighter is planned for release within 2013.

A first prototype of SolarFighter, my new arcade style space shooter, is now available!

Desktop Sharing 2009. Share your desktop under Windows Vista and Windows 7.

Version 0.9 RC of Uno over TCP/IP. Play the famous card game over TCP/IP based networks.

Solarwolf Widescreen Edition. Play the well known game Solarwolf in 16:9 or 16:10 aspect ratio with new levels.

My Interests:

physics, chess, electronics, hardware-dependent programming, programming languages, software reverse engineering, copy protection, computer security, malware (viruses, worms, trojans...), PC games, game development, home cinema

My Publications:

Diploma thesis: Extension of KIEL by Stateflow Charts, December 2005
Talk: Erweiterung von KIEL um Stateflow-Charts. Real-Time Systems and Embedded Systems Group, December 2005.
Student work: Kalibrierung einer Fischaugenkamera, 2005